you are messy and so is change

Humans are not these neat little people,
meant to fit into their own boxes and tubes-
easily storable & discardable & understandable.

We’re messy, mean at times, nuanced
and most importantly: constantly changing.
We have these big dreams and embark on
rollercoasters of decisions - ready to dive in
fully not understanding what’s involved.

& in doing this, we freak out.

“What was I thinking?”
“I am an idiot”
“How did I not know this was coming?”

But that’s the beautiful thing about you
& our friend called change:

You’re both messy
and that's the process
of growth unfiltered. 

~ more thoughts from cat ~

  • ~ thank you ~

    ~ thank you ~

  • Finding my way back ~

    Finding my way back ~

  • See you ~ in person ~

    See you ~ in person ~