wander and wonder


Wandering & wondering
Is so overrated in a world
That tells us to work ourselves
To death & destruction.
When you’re running after a dream
It can be hard to let it go,
To take the night off,
And tell your brain to just stop.

Just for a minute. Stop.
Stop thinking, doing, tweeting,
posting, scheming.
Stop numbing yourself,
filling your brain up with distractions
& finding excuses to put the
everything down for one minute.


For just long enough to
wander around the block
& see life unfolding before you.
For just long enough to
wonder for a minute
& ask yourself

What if life was
Then maybe, just maybe,
you’ll give yourself the chance
to do something else.

Something new.
Something more YOU.


~ more thoughts from cat ~

  • ~ thank you ~

    ~ thank you ~

  • Finding my way back ~

    Finding my way back ~

  • See you ~ in person ~

    See you ~ in person ~